Wednesday, January 29, 2014

24-hour Technology Log

5:00am - phone alarm goes off. Time for Crew practice!
5:01am - flick on the light switch in the bathroom to brush my teeth, put contacts in, use sink, etc.
5:10am - check email because I remember that we got snow, so….. I find out there's no practice by an email from my coach… slightly (extremely) bummed. Back to sleep! (turn off light)
5:15am - set phone alarm for 10:00
10:00am - wake up to phone alarm
10:05am - turn on iPod radio to light music to do homework until lunch, have email open, an online word translator for my Spanish homework, and the desk light on, aquarium light on
11:30am - text my lunch homies to see if they want to go to the Great Room at 12
12:15pm - use OneCard to swipe and get lunch, and to return a to-go box from yesterday
12:18pm - use soda fountain to get a glass of water
12:40pm - put used dishes and silverware on moving dish tray cart thing… you know what I mean
12:55pm - swipe into my dorm building
1:10pm - doing the homework deal again (desk lamp on, computer on, email open, etc.)
2:45pm - unplug aquarium, turn off filter, light, heater, etc. because I notice two of the new fish I got yesterday (tiger barbs) were attempting cannibalism, so I wanted to return them and take them out of the tank
Tiger barbs. My two that I returned were named Pigger and Tiglet. (web site)
3:05pm - listen to iPod while I walk to Guam where my car is parked
3:17pm - drive the Blueberry (my car looks like a blueberry) to return tiger barbs to the pet store and get  platys instead (much friendlier)
4:15pm - talk to my mom on the phone about wether or not she and my dad are going to the ICCA's to watch me and the acapella group Interchorus compete Feb 22.
4:30pm - at the gym about to use an erg (one of the exercise machines, basically an indoor rowing machine) to do an extra workout for crew because I'm still out of shape. Whoops.
Exactly my thoughts. (web site)
5:30pm - using the weights and weight training machines at the gym as part of the scheduled crew workout
6:00pm - take the quickest shower ever
6:15pm - use wireless iPod stereo player to listen to Pompeii by Bastille in Interchorus practice while we choreograph our first song for the ICCA competition
7:35pm - use lights, AC, and piano in a practice room in Monty to practice a part of a sing for Interchorus that me and the other alto singers really need to work on
8:15pm - use OneCard to purchase "dinner" with my twin sister at The Daily Grind since we both managed to miss dinner at the Great Room (thank God for flex) (and twin sisters)
9:00pm - use One Card to swipe into the Monty Computer Lab. Work on homework, send some emails, type my log up from today!

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