Monday, February 3, 2014

Experimental Scans

These are my experimental scans!

My face. The light from the scanner turned out to be brighter than I expected.

Fake flowers

An "aquaglobe", made of blown glass. It rolled back and forth on the scanner.

Toby (my ukulele)

Shells and sea glass cemented on painted wood that I made over the summer.

Gold necklace

The wall clock from my dorm room. Who said "time can't stand still"?

A 1' tall, 5kg Nutella jar I got in Alba, Italy, the place that invented Nutella (yes, it's real!).


Pressed-flower necklace

Toby again, only this time when the ukulele was moved around

And last but not least… who doesn't like chocolate chip cookies?


  1. I dig the aquaglobe effect.

  2. I love the effect of the clock ticking. I wish some of these were cropped though. I think the scarf cropped could make an interesting background for something else. I know where you got that scarf btw ;) Let's go back to Alba!
