Monday, March 31, 2014


This is the self-portrait I made in Adobe Illustrator. In total this took me almost twenty hours to complete, but it was a pretty fun project! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Redesigned Logo

In an effort to "redesign a logo", I thought about products I like that would work with recreating a logo. Being a born-and-raised Marylander, Old Bay is understandably one of the products that quickly came to mind. 

I decided to create a completely new product out of the classic Maryland seasoning. 

"Bae" is a slang term for "baby", which is often used to refer to one's significant other; so I figured I'd use that to make the product of Old Bay into Old Bae, and make it something that lent itself specifically toward women. 

The process in creating this image involved using Adobe Illustrator to draw a replica of the basic parts of the logo, adding my own type, and recreating the three images that are on the left side of the logo, and adding shadow and dimension to give it a more realistic appearance. 

Here is the result!

Original "Old Bay" logo
New "Old Bae" original logo

Monday, March 10, 2014

Artist Post 4: Danilo Gato

Danilo Gato is a vector artist who was born in Brazil and is currently still a student in art. He creates vector and does pencil drawings as well. The main focus of his artwork is celebrities and movie characters. He uses Adobe Illustrator to create his images, and below are some examples of his work:
Liv Tyler (web site)
Angelina Jolie (web site)
Batman (web site)

He creates his art on Adobe Illustrator by first bringing in a photograph of what he is going to create. He uses vectors to isolate sections of the image, and colors each one in separately. This is like what we learned to do in class, and it was neat to know that I used the same methods as a more advanced and experienced artist! Something that is common in his works is that the background is always left up to the imagination. He creates a simple graphic pattern to place behind the person in the foreground. 

I think that he is quite a talented vector artist. His style is realistic and strikingly accurate. I like how relatable his work is to the work we are currently doing in class. It gives a good representation of one of the many styles to use when it comes to making vector art. This is just personal opinion, but I think that his art might be more interesting if he gave his pieces a more detailed background that presented a sense of space or another form of interest. What he uses as a background, though it does leave something up to one's imagination, is almost too ambiguous. But overall, he is talented and does a great job with his celebrity and character portraits. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Music Drawing

While exploring Adobe Illustrator, I listened to a piece of music and created an image that I thought represented the sound of the piece. To me, the sound of the music was eerie and sharp, but at the same time it was captivating. This made me think of the way we sometimes listen to music even though it makes us sad or angry, not because we like the sound of the music necessarily, but because it brings about a certain emotion in us which is powerful or important to us. Music that gives us strong emotion may trigger memories that begin to cloud our minds and get "tangled up in our hair".

I used multiple tools, including several kinds of paint strokes, thicknesses, and colors. I also created shapes and warped them in many ways and gave them certain levels of transparency to create a visual of "clouded thought". As a rest of that, here is my first image created in Adobe Illustrator!