Thursday, March 13, 2014

Redesigned Logo

In an effort to "redesign a logo", I thought about products I like that would work with recreating a logo. Being a born-and-raised Marylander, Old Bay is understandably one of the products that quickly came to mind. 

I decided to create a completely new product out of the classic Maryland seasoning. 

"Bae" is a slang term for "baby", which is often used to refer to one's significant other; so I figured I'd use that to make the product of Old Bay into Old Bae, and make it something that lent itself specifically toward women. 

The process in creating this image involved using Adobe Illustrator to draw a replica of the basic parts of the logo, adding my own type, and recreating the three images that are on the left side of the logo, and adding shadow and dimension to give it a more realistic appearance. 

Here is the result!

Original "Old Bay" logo
New "Old Bae" original logo

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